Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching Approach in Pakistani University Classrooms

Kalsoom Jahan, Aleem Shakir

  • Kalsoom Jahan Government College University, Faisalabad – Pakistan
  • Aleem Shakir Government College University, Faisalabad – Pakistan
Keywords: Approach, Evaluation, Implementation, Pedagogy, Task-based language teaching, TBLT


This research involved the impact of the implementation of task-based language teaching (TBLT) in Pakistani university classrooms. The study analyzed the effects of TBLT on learning four basic English language skills: listening speaking, reading, and writing. A case study was designed to evaluate the effects of TBLT on learning language skills at the university level. Pre-test and post-test were conducted to analyze the differences between experimental and controlled groups of students. T-test and ANOVA were applied by using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) 2.0. to analyze the quantitative data. Integration of four language skills while conducting the tasks, excited the student interest, and resulted in better outcomes. Students improved their listening, reading, and writing skills more significantly as compared to speaking skills. The results were quite similar in both control and experimental groups with minor differences in speaking skills. The implementation of TBLT in language classrooms at the university level addressed the fundamental needs of the students and nurtured a conducive environment for learning language skills with understanding.

How to Cite
Jahan, K., & Shakir, A. (2022). Implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching Approach in Pakistani University Classrooms: Kalsoom Jahan, Aleem Shakir. Journal of English Language, Literature and Education, 4(2), 1-21.