Manuscript Submissions

Instructions for Authors

Please submit your manuscript in two files on JELLE website as per following: 

  • Manuscript: With Title only (Without author's detailed profile)
  • Authors Profile (Available at JELLE Homepage)

Manuscript preparation

The authors are requested to follow the instructions for the preparation of their manuscripts:

  1. Follow APA manual 7th Edition ( Research Paper guidelines for the write up of research papers for JELLE.
  2. Research paper needs to include the following sections:
  • Abstract (200-250 words with maximum 5 key words)
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Research Methodology
  • Results/Data Analysis
  • Conclusions and Recommendations 
  • References / Appendices (These must start on separate pages. The authors need to ensure that all the references cited in the text also exist in the reference list)

    Manuscript Checklist

  1. The tables, figures, charts, etc. must be on one page instead of continuing to the next page.
  2. Follow either APA or MLA guidelines consistently without switching from one style to another in single research paper
  3. Follow either British or American English consistently throughout the manuscript without switching from one to another. 
  4. The recommended approximate length of a manuscript may range between 4000 to 8000 words (excluding references, tables, figures and appendices).
  5. Submit a Copyright Form (Available at Home Page) declaring that all the contributing authors are in agreement with the order of authorship and the contents of the manuscript.
  6. Provide information regarding any previous presentation of the data (e.g. conference presentation, thesis, etc).
  7. The manuscript should contain original, primary work which is not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  8. The manuscript must not contain any interpretation that may directly hurt any section of the community on the basis of race, religion or socio-cultural aspects.


  • JELLE has a very firm policy against plagiarism or self-plagiarism as per HEC criteria (19% Similarity Index)
  • JELLE Team does not take any liability of the authors' opinions. The perceptions, views, and beliefs presented in published paper(s) are solely the responsibility of the author(s).


JELLE is published by the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Languages, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore Pakistan. The copyright of all the materials published in JELLE rests with the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Languages, Lahore Garrison University Lahore, Pakistan. The papers published by JELLE solely mirror the interpretations of the author(s). The Editorial Board or the publishing authority is neither responsible for the accuracy of the content nor they necessarily agree with the ideas presented in the papers.

Submission Checklist

The authors must review the contents of the papers based on 'Checklist for Manuscript Submission' (APA 7th edition before submitting their work to JELLE.

The Journal uses The Creative Commons license that best meets the needs of the journal, and gives authors the option to choose a license for their paper.

For more information click here.