Another Gulmohar Tree – A Tale of Identity and Hybridity
Sehar Abbas, Sundus Gohar
This research analyzes the novella, Another Gulmohar Tree, written by Aamer Hussain, a Pakistani writer. The aim of this study is to analyze the theme of identity crisis by applying the Theory of Hybridity and Third Space given by Homi K. Bhabha. It has been investigated how the change of culture makes a person hybrid. This research further discusses an individual's challenges while moving from one place to another. Moreover, the mixture of eastern and western cultures also has been explained in the study concerning Hybridity. This research shows the collision of Pakistani and British cultures in Pakistani society. The individuals who migrate from one place to another experience loss of culture, norms and religious customs, resulting in a change of identity, Hybridity, and third space, along with giving way to a distorted concept of self-realization and adjusting to a new culture. The research highlights the difference between the cultures, creating a new sense of individual and their expression.